The GEMS vision for Inclusive Education is that we achieve excellence together by all students receiving the support they need to meaningfully belong to their school and wider community, feel valued for their contributions, engage purposefully in learning and experience academic, cultural, social and emotional success in a common learning environment.
At WSO, we welcome children with a range of learning preferences and encourage all students to become high performing. Our student body encompasses students of determination (students with special education needs and disabilities) as well as students who are English Language Learners.
At our Academy, diversity is made visible, and our staff are committed to educating all students through quality first teaching. We ensure that learning is personalised and adapted to the needs of all students, which prepares learners for a wider society.
Student voice is a priority at WSO and within our student council, students of determination are fully immersed and are represented through Inclusion ambassadors in both our Primary and Secondary school.
WSO values the importance of collaborative relationships with families and encourages open and honest communication to allow all students to meet their potential. Students and their families are actively included in decisions regarding the provision and opportunities available to them at WSO which is promoted through the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Targets for students of determination are personalised to be appropriate and challenging, and students are assessed through formative and summative assessments with level appropriate or differentiated materials. Where appropriate, IEP targets aim to develop the learning skills of students in order to support progress and further improve access and independence.
If your child is joining WSO, please share full details of any special educational needs, Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and any Educational Psychologist, Pediatric, or other specialist reports (e.g., Speech and Language or Occupational Therapy) if completed. Sharing educational history with us prior to a place being offered is essential so that staff can ensure an appropriate assessment of educational need, educational plan and resourcing is in place.
We strive to admit all students to WSO, and staff follow KHDA guidance and procedures for scenarios where, very rarely, it may not be in the best interests of the child to be placed at WSO.
Click below to download the policies: