Health Clinic
Students have access to an on-site Clinic in both the Primary and Secondary schools, where a Nursing Team and Doctor are available.
Accidents and Emergencies:
Should your child require emergency treatment, every effort will be made to contact you. To assist with this, parents must keep emergency contact details updated on the parent portal. In the case of a serious emergency and we cannot reach you to ask your preferred hospital choice, an ambulance will be called and your child will be taken to Fakeeh University Hospital (FUH) in Silicon Oasis, as per the Patient Transfer Agreement we have in place with FUH.
Medical Forms:When your child starts at the Academy, you will be required to complete several medical forms. Please return them promptly with all medical information provided. It is of utmost importance that the school is made aware of any condition your child has and any medication they are receiving. This will affect how they are treated in the case of an emergency.
Other Important Points to Note:
We are a 'No Nuts' school, so nuts and foods with nut protein are strictly forbidden.
We ask parents to sign a consent form for the following interventions where necessary: administering paracetamol, assisting your child with their prescription medication eg. inhaler for asthma, insulin for diabetes or an Epipen for allergies.
In order to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses, we ask students to remain at home until they are fit to return to school.
The Department of Health requires students to have a medical examination in years 1, 5 and 9 and for all new students. This is carried out by the school doctor and is a basic, non-invasive procedure. You will be notified prior to the medical examination you will and receive a report and advice once it has occurred. You have the choice to have your child excluded if you wish.
Every effort should be made to have your child’s vaccinations up to date prior to them starting at the Academy. The Department of Health requires that you submit a copy of your child’s vaccination record to the Clinic. This will be checked against the U.A.E. immunization schedule and you will be advised of outstanding vaccines.
It is compulsory for students to wear a hat outside and we enforce a ‘no hat, no play’ policy.
We encourage you to apply a factor 30+ sunscreen lotion to your child’s skin before school, especially on P.E. days and for school outings..